Back row From left; My father, my mother, Abang Nan, Abang Dir, Kak Som
Front row from left; Me and Eddy
Clockwise; My father(Nik Yusoff Nik Mat), Kak Yam(Hjh. Nik Meriam), My Grandmother (Cik Munah),
My mother (Hjh. Nik Fatimah Nik Ab Rahman), Abang Nan(Hj. Nik Adnan), Kak Zan(Hjh. Nik Haizan),
Me and my beloved and closest brother, the late Abang Tar (Haji Nik Mohd. Mukhtar).
I could not remember much of my childhood days but when one day Eddy mailed me these photos I was quite delighted to view these photos again. I could not remember my father that much because he left us in 1972 when I was only 7. From what my late mother told me, he was a very quiet man and hardworking too. He left us when he was only 59 after a heart attack.
My late grandmother, Cik Munah or we called Cik Nah is my mother's mother. She was a good cook and also very good at handycrafts. She was quite petite while my late grandfather stood at almost 6 feet tall. Me and Abang Nan love to create tales about her doing wonders. such as doing flying kicks or magics. Hehehee... Well, actually we were not among her favourites anyway... but we actually love her very much. Cik Nah was a wonderful woman and a very enterprising one too.
I have always wished that my father could have lived longer to know and love him better. That wish has given me strength to survive a longer life to see my youngest son Nik Arif Muqri grow up as a young man. Insyaallah...
My late grandmother, Cik Munah or we called Cik Nah is my mother's mother. She was a good cook and also very good at handycrafts. She was quite petite while my late grandfather stood at almost 6 feet tall. Me and Abang Nan love to create tales about her doing wonders. such as doing flying kicks or magics. Hehehee... Well, actually we were not among her favourites anyway... but we actually love her very much. Cik Nah was a wonderful woman and a very enterprising one too.
I have always wished that my father could have lived longer to know and love him better. That wish has given me strength to survive a longer life to see my youngest son Nik Arif Muqri grow up as a young man. Insyaallah...
now i'm in the process of scanning valuable old photos which bring back all those sweet memories of the family..they are plenty of it in seremban..will mail you from time to time..i suggest ayah pin also has big collection of all these old photos..pinjam kat dia..hari tu masa balik kb, kat rumah pok su sin pun banyok jugok
ahhh.. the good old days... panjat pokok rambutan kat depan rumah che'; kedai runcit opposite the houe where we have to get rokok 555 for cik noh...the younger generation never got to do these now... kalu panjat pun; the 'spider web' kat playground..
huhhf...bnyk sgt kisah zaman kanak2 riang...missed those old days...& u che aman...i luv u ,uncle...**tak sedar kluar airmata bila tgk gambar tu!!
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