Thursday, October 9, 2008

To Blog or Not To Blog

Why the long silence? Ooops... the dragons were sleeping lah... Actually amoiglam and me always call ourselves Si Naga-Naga because both of us were born in the same lunar year of the DRAGON! We always dream of having our own little cafe by the name of Si Naga-Naga or probably Double Dragon. My brother-in-law Major Menon always like it to be named as Cafe Kitarongge from our son's Afiq's childhood favourite word when he's happy.

I decided to scribble something today after Eddie called and asked me asking for an update. I was also in the middle of writing an article for my office bulletin and happened to have a phone chat with Jiwa Rasa(, another blogger from Penang and decided to write something to refresh my mind.

Actually I wanted to write something about Hari Raya but I still have the hari raya photos in my hard disk at home. Hari Raya this year was quite ok like before. This year I have tasted the best lemang ever, wonderfully made by Ayob my brother-in-law. he brought them all the way from Kuala Pilah for us in Shah Alam. I would call it 'Lemang Lemak Merdu'. I didn't even bother to taste the rendang with the lemang. It was awesomely lemak merdu eaten on it's own. It's palm lickin' good! I could only take 2 pieces or my gastric alarm would trigger. But it was really awesome. Ayob said the santan was from home grown ripe coconuts because his mother-in-law insisted on having their very own home grown coconuts santan. Nothing less than that! It's mandatory bro! If only Abang Uni could taste that lemang, I am sure he would have given it the trophy. Not recommended for those with heart problems...hehehe....

Hari raya this year was still joyful and full of food. I had my nasi dagang in Seremban! That was quite strange? My beloved sister Kak Som actually lives in Seremban so the family tradition still lives on. A combination of multi-cultural food spread. Our family in Kelantan would also want to have rendang, lemang, nasi impit, kuah kacang, lontong and soto every raya. These are all the toxicated taste buds of the Nik's clan that we got while growing up and living in KL.

I was always overjoyed by the word food. I guess every living human has the right to taste and enjoy their favourite food. I am a meat lover. Both cooked and raw I guess??? Hehehe... For people within my kind of species are definitely very familiar with terms like tenderloins, sirloins, knuckels, rumps, fillet, ribs and malay words like batang pinang, urat keting, harimau menangis and some Kelantanese terms like Lemusir, senonok, perut kitab, perut bulat and many others. The smell of fresh meat makes me high. The meat names just sounded like music to my half deaf ears. Yes...we always love to eat whatever that is forbidden to Zippers Club (ex-by pass surgery patients) members like me. can't blame me...It's already been fated.

Anyway, what the hell is daging 'harimau menangis'? Oh..the Kelantanese call it daging 'senonok'. It is a precious part between the cow's breast and the hind legs and covered with a thick layer of beautiful luscious fat. The content? MY GOD! It's crunchiness of a blend of meat and the fat within that sinfully makes the tiger CRIES when it has the chance to sink it's saber teeth into the precious meat...Roarrrrr!!!! I gues that's what the tiger told me before...hehehe...


Anonymous said...

aidilfitri already passed..aidiladha will be next..get ready for the cowleg soup..don't forget to bring along the anti cholesterol drug too. another exclusive tradition of the family

Ayah'sJamm said...

I sure am ready since last year...

Anonymous said...

this year hari raya menu...2 days before raye..cowleg soup...2nd day raye when you came to seremban..nasi dagang tuna + kepala lembu masak kuzi..and the best is the day before i went back to klang...gulai lemak otak lembu..tegang jugak urat leher

Unknown said...

Salam Aidil Fitri to you and family.

I hope it is still not too late for me to wish you welcome to the blogging world.

Hope to hear more from you. :)

doodlemom said...

tension! tension!

nikming said...

what i really miss >>>>all of you time raya...semua dah duk jauh2..huhuhu

Ayah'sJamm said...

Hi there my beloved nieces nikming and doodlemom! I miss both of u 2. anyway, tomorrow we have another gathering at Makcik Som's house in Seremban for Lily's wedding reception. makcik Zan's family will be there to escort their youngest daughter Lily to the reception. Her husband is from Seremban. Masuk suku .... hehehe...