This year's Hari Raya has a mix of many things. We did enjoy Hari Raya despite of having some hiccups. This week I have lost 2 people whom I used to know. One was my former staff and another was my former teacher and bandmaster. Haji Abdul Rahman, my former photographer, staff, good friend and also neighbour had passed on after suffering from diabetic complications. He was a very good friend and always willing to lend a hand whenever asked by friends. A former videographer and photographer who had worked under my supervision for more than 15 years. I used to live within the same neighbourhood with him in Serdang.
I remember he told me a story about him hitch hiking from Muar to KL when he was offered a job at our office in 1967. He was too poor to buy a bus ticket back then. A quite adventurous fellow. He was one of our earlier staffs. I remember learning a few things from him especially about microfilms and some electronic skills. We used to nickname him 'Man Guyver', just like McGuyver. He even renovated his present house all by himself and even helped a few friends to upgrade their homes at a very minimal cost. You just name it, and he will do it enthusiastically. ManGuyver was simply a great person. He started his job as an office boy and soon became a book binder. He has showed his interest in photography so he was assigned to be a microfilm operator by our former boss. Later on we found that he was also good in video works when I first joined the department in 1986 and he became our videographer. After many years we promoted him to hold the photographer's post until his retirement a few years back. We salute you Man Guyver.
This morning I received a message from my junior Jasri about Pak Simanjuntak's demise. Pak Siman was my former bandmaster and Warden in school. He was from Indonesia and taught the Matriculation students maths. He was also the bandmaster for our Brass Band. His son Haris was my junior and also a good friend. I remember during his time we had the chance to play a few beautiful numbers like The Marlborro song (Theme from Magnificent Seven), Theme from Hawaii Five-O, Theme from Bridge on The River Kwai (Colonel Bogey), El-Bimbo, Delilah and many other songs that were not very familiar to other school bands in KL during the 70's. When I entered Form Six he tried to persuade me to be the Drum Major but I was too worried about dropping the drum major's mace on somebody else's head, rather than tossing and flipping it high in the air and catching it with style. I was also too keen to play in the rock band instead. I guess I have made a wise decision. I would like to convey my deepest condolences to Haris and family and... Farewell Pak Siman.
I remember he told me a story about him hitch hiking from Muar to KL when he was offered a job at our office in 1967. He was too poor to buy a bus ticket back then. A quite adventurous fellow. He was one of our earlier staffs. I remember learning a few things from him especially about microfilms and some electronic skills. We used to nickname him 'Man Guyver', just like McGuyver. He even renovated his present house all by himself and even helped a few friends to upgrade their homes at a very minimal cost. You just name it, and he will do it enthusiastically. ManGuyver was simply a great person. He started his job as an office boy and soon became a book binder. He has showed his interest in photography so he was assigned to be a microfilm operator by our former boss. Later on we found that he was also good in video works when I first joined the department in 1986 and he became our videographer. After many years we promoted him to hold the photographer's post until his retirement a few years back. We salute you Man Guyver.
This morning I received a message from my junior Jasri about Pak Simanjuntak's demise. Pak Siman was my former bandmaster and Warden in school. He was from Indonesia and taught the Matriculation students maths. He was also the bandmaster for our Brass Band. His son Haris was my junior and also a good friend. I remember during his time we had the chance to play a few beautiful numbers like The Marlborro song (Theme from Magnificent Seven), Theme from Hawaii Five-O, Theme from Bridge on The River Kwai (Colonel Bogey), El-Bimbo, Delilah and many other songs that were not very familiar to other school bands in KL during the 70's. When I entered Form Six he tried to persuade me to be the Drum Major but I was too worried about dropping the drum major's mace on somebody else's head, rather than tossing and flipping it high in the air and catching it with style. I was also too keen to play in the rock band instead. I guess I have made a wise decision. I would like to convey my deepest condolences to Haris and family and... Farewell Pak Siman.
hie... nice story at blog.. i wanna share my blog.. and add ayah's jamm.. this is my blog..
i found out about pak siman's passing later in the evening. received a text from lyn, haris' wife. haris & lyn are close to me & wan; as a matter of fact, among the people who were responsible for bringing us together.... psk siman was a very good person indeed. sedih jugak bila dpt news tadi.
Welcome to my blog musclegain. Thank you for the comments. I wanna add yours too. Nice blog too.
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