This afternoon I met Kak Hadijah Sani Ahmad my former colleague and also senior in ITM. She was quite shocked when she just got the news that I have gone under the knife 5 years ago, so she demanded me to write in my blog about my ops experience. I had no choice but to fulfill her wish so that she can read it.
Kak Hadi, this post is specially dedicated to you and the surgeons that have helped me survived until now especially Professor Wan Azman, Dr. Chong, Dr. Nik Sherina, Tan Sri Yahya Awang, Mr. Alwi Yunus, Mr. Thiru, Mr. Rais and the whole surgery team including the Anaesthetists, Nurses, Hospital Assistants, the extra blood despatch personnels and everybody from The National Heart Institute (IJN) that have succesfully opened, reopened and put everything in place and in the right order so as to save my life. For your info, heart surgeons are not called Doctor but they are called Mister. These are a breed of very special people with very accurate hands and excellent cutting and sewing skills. They are mighty good with their knives as well.
Maybe you are wondering why I showed my picture shaking hands with Tun Mahathir. It's not to show off but we actually have one thing in common. We share the same heart surgeon, Tan Sri Yahya Awang. Tan Sri Yahya Awang is the son-in-law of the late Tun Hussein Onn and of course the brother-in-law of Dato' Seri Hishamuddin Tun Hussein.
OK, back to my story. It all started in 2003. I was doing some video editing that was supposed to be shown at 3.00 pm that day. It was 3.00 am and I was alone in the editing room. Kamalisa my cameraman had dozed off in the next room. I had not slept for the past 2 days to finish the video. The computer for the video editing system were giving me lots of problems and suddenly I felt like something was crushing in my chest. I also felt like somebody had grabbed me from behind and squeezed my torso. I was so stupid that I could not figure out what I had encountered. I just took a deep breath and tears and sweat were gushing out. My heart was beating too fast and I was too nervous. It happened too fast and luckily I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself. It did go off... phewww!!! After a few minutes I took a sip of cold teh tarik left on my desk and foolishly had a few puffs from my beloved Marlboro. Cool lah tu konon...
The following week, I was on my way to see my doctor Dr. Nik Sherina at the University Malaya Medical Centre. I parked my car at the parking complex near the hospital mosque and had to walk uphill and quite a distance along the corridors to the clinic. I did not go far until my chest started giving me problems again. I just could not walk and had to grab hold of the railing along the corridor. I was helpless and leaned against the wall. There was nobody around so I had to wait for a few minutes to regain my strength and walked to the clinic very slowly.
At the clinic I told everything to Dr. Nik and she arranged for a 'Treadmill' test the very next day. I went for the treadmill test and of course I FAILED with flying colours. Dr. Chong and Professor Wan Azman(my late Abang Ta's friend) performed the angiogram on me(they poked a hole in my groins and pushed the catheter tube deep into my arteries). I was so cool that I jokingly asked Dr. Chong when he was going to blow the balloon (angioplasty)? Dr. Chong looked straight into my eyes and said.... "Tak payah balloon lah.... Kita buat by-pass terus lah! All your three main arteries were 90%, 90% and 99% blocked!!!! Fabulous!!!
Prof. Wan Azman advised me to do the surgery within 3 weeks but could not get the UMMC surgeon Prof. Al-Jefri to do it because of the full booking for 6 months! Luckily Abg. Nan through his boss Hj. Said had made arrangements with Dato' Dr. Yahya from IJN. Dato' Yahya went through my angiogram film and agreed with Prof. Wan Azman's opinion. At last I went through the surgery on June 10th 2003, a day after Dato' Yahya received his Tan Sri from the King.
I had some complications within the critical hours after the ops. I had my ops starting from 8 am till 1 pm and had to be pushed back into the ops theatre and they re-opened my ribs after some excessive bleeding at 7 pm the same day. I was in coma for almost 3 days. I remember having dreamt of lying down in a boat all alone in a calm open sea before opening my eyes. Guess what? I saw a white figure in thin air standing at the left side of my bed right next to me and suddenly dissapeared. Abang Nan told me that our family had already held baca Yassin sessions at the surau at the kampung. I guess Allah still loves me and wanted me to live longer to love my family. Alhamdulillah...
It was truly a very valuable experience for me and my family. From these kind of experiences you will truly feel the love and care of your spouse, your children, your siblings, nephews, nieces, in-laws and everybody around you and be gratefull of being who you are now. Thank you everybody. I also must thank my boss and colleagues for being so understanding and accepting me the way I am now. I also wish to thank the management and the government for paying all my medical bills. I will never forget your good deeds.
Actually I had another surgery exactly a year after because 2 of the grafts(replacement arteries) were 60% and 100% blocked. It was not a by-pass but an angioplasty(balloon) procedure. The cardiologist could only save 1 artery. The other was abandoned because it could only be done through another by-pass, so my right side of the heart does not function well till now but I consider myself still very lucky to have at least have my heart beating. Cheer up and live life to the fullest bro! I guess that's all I could write for Kak Hadi....
Kak Hadi, this post is specially dedicated to you and the surgeons that have helped me survived until now especially Professor Wan Azman, Dr. Chong, Dr. Nik Sherina, Tan Sri Yahya Awang, Mr. Alwi Yunus, Mr. Thiru, Mr. Rais and the whole surgery team including the Anaesthetists, Nurses, Hospital Assistants, the extra blood despatch personnels and everybody from The National Heart Institute (IJN) that have succesfully opened, reopened and put everything in place and in the right order so as to save my life. For your info, heart surgeons are not called Doctor but they are called Mister. These are a breed of very special people with very accurate hands and excellent cutting and sewing skills. They are mighty good with their knives as well.
Maybe you are wondering why I showed my picture shaking hands with Tun Mahathir. It's not to show off but we actually have one thing in common. We share the same heart surgeon, Tan Sri Yahya Awang. Tan Sri Yahya Awang is the son-in-law of the late Tun Hussein Onn and of course the brother-in-law of Dato' Seri Hishamuddin Tun Hussein.
OK, back to my story. It all started in 2003. I was doing some video editing that was supposed to be shown at 3.00 pm that day. It was 3.00 am and I was alone in the editing room. Kamalisa my cameraman had dozed off in the next room. I had not slept for the past 2 days to finish the video. The computer for the video editing system were giving me lots of problems and suddenly I felt like something was crushing in my chest. I also felt like somebody had grabbed me from behind and squeezed my torso. I was so stupid that I could not figure out what I had encountered. I just took a deep breath and tears and sweat were gushing out. My heart was beating too fast and I was too nervous. It happened too fast and luckily I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself. It did go off... phewww!!! After a few minutes I took a sip of cold teh tarik left on my desk and foolishly had a few puffs from my beloved Marlboro. Cool lah tu konon...
The following week, I was on my way to see my doctor Dr. Nik Sherina at the University Malaya Medical Centre. I parked my car at the parking complex near the hospital mosque and had to walk uphill and quite a distance along the corridors to the clinic. I did not go far until my chest started giving me problems again. I just could not walk and had to grab hold of the railing along the corridor. I was helpless and leaned against the wall. There was nobody around so I had to wait for a few minutes to regain my strength and walked to the clinic very slowly.
At the clinic I told everything to Dr. Nik and she arranged for a 'Treadmill' test the very next day. I went for the treadmill test and of course I FAILED with flying colours. Dr. Chong and Professor Wan Azman(my late Abang Ta's friend) performed the angiogram on me(they poked a hole in my groins and pushed the catheter tube deep into my arteries). I was so cool that I jokingly asked Dr. Chong when he was going to blow the balloon (angioplasty)? Dr. Chong looked straight into my eyes and said.... "Tak payah balloon lah.... Kita buat by-pass terus lah! All your three main arteries were 90%, 90% and 99% blocked!!!! Fabulous!!!
Prof. Wan Azman advised me to do the surgery within 3 weeks but could not get the UMMC surgeon Prof. Al-Jefri to do it because of the full booking for 6 months! Luckily Abg. Nan through his boss Hj. Said had made arrangements with Dato' Dr. Yahya from IJN. Dato' Yahya went through my angiogram film and agreed with Prof. Wan Azman's opinion. At last I went through the surgery on June 10th 2003, a day after Dato' Yahya received his Tan Sri from the King.
I had some complications within the critical hours after the ops. I had my ops starting from 8 am till 1 pm and had to be pushed back into the ops theatre and they re-opened my ribs after some excessive bleeding at 7 pm the same day. I was in coma for almost 3 days. I remember having dreamt of lying down in a boat all alone in a calm open sea before opening my eyes. Guess what? I saw a white figure in thin air standing at the left side of my bed right next to me and suddenly dissapeared. Abang Nan told me that our family had already held baca Yassin sessions at the surau at the kampung. I guess Allah still loves me and wanted me to live longer to love my family. Alhamdulillah...
It was truly a very valuable experience for me and my family. From these kind of experiences you will truly feel the love and care of your spouse, your children, your siblings, nephews, nieces, in-laws and everybody around you and be gratefull of being who you are now. Thank you everybody. I also must thank my boss and colleagues for being so understanding and accepting me the way I am now. I also wish to thank the management and the government for paying all my medical bills. I will never forget your good deeds.
Actually I had another surgery exactly a year after because 2 of the grafts(replacement arteries) were 60% and 100% blocked. It was not a by-pass but an angioplasty(balloon) procedure. The cardiologist could only save 1 artery. The other was abandoned because it could only be done through another by-pass, so my right side of the heart does not function well till now but I consider myself still very lucky to have at least have my heart beating. Cheer up and live life to the fullest bro! I guess that's all I could write for Kak Hadi....