Baru lepas merarau (makan tengahari) bersama kawan-kawan sebaya di pejabat. Topik hari ini trend pakaian zaman 70-an. Seingat saya trend pakaian di zaman itu agak lama juga bertahan sehingga berulang kembali ke zaman sekarang dalam mode yang berbeza.
Masih ku ingat di tahun 1976 hingga 1979 baju kemeja dan jeans amat popular. Hanya beberapa jenama sahaja yang menyerlah, maklum saja zaman dulu semuanya diimport. Paling lekeh pun diimport dari Hong Kong. Kalau tidak, jeans mesti ada 'Made in USA' atau 'Arrow' - One Piece Collar Shirt 'Made in USA'. Harga sehelai jeans biasanya sekitar RM60 dan baju Arrow sekitar RM35-50. Beberapa jenama jeans terkenal hanyalah Amco, Lee, Levi's, Madrid, Texan, Wrangler, Peter & Jeannie dan yang agak lama Saddle King (jeans budak-budak kononnya). Nilai jeans Amco waktu tu amatlah berharga hinggakan boleh digadai kat kedai pajak. Kalau yang tinggal berhampiran sempadan Thai-Malaysia mungkin biasa dengan 'Mc' jeans. Kalau ke pekan-pekan dekat sempadan banyak jenama yang tak pernah didengar... semuanya Made in Thailand. Waktu ini Mao Tze Tong belum pandai nak export jeans lagi sebab mereka semua pakai baju yang sama setiap hari.
Baju yang terkenal mungkin Arrow, Manhattan, Van Heusen atau Le Man. Designer labels macam YSL, Pierre Cardin terlalu asing lagi bagi rakyat Malaysia. Kalau dijual jeans Calvin Klein waktu itu mungkin mereka anggap Jeans pondan je... tak macam Cowboy pakai.
Kami budak2 jantan hostel ni memang berangan sangatlah nak merasa pakai branded items macam ni tapi biasiswa RM25 sebulan manalah nak tersangkut benda-benda macam ni... kalau anak-anak cikgu atau kerani tu adalah juga merasa walaupun sehelai saja. Kalau dah dapat pakai tu kemeja tak 'tuck in' sebab sengaja nak tayang brand 'Arrow' kat shirt tail, lengan mesti lipat lebar 1 inci je. Kalau pakai lengan pendek, lengan baju dilipat sikit macam trend zaman 50-an pulak.... ya lah... zaman kan berulang-ulang? Rambut kalau pendek gonjeng dah dikata askar rekrut pulak... jadi rambut panjang belah tengah tu baru boleh masuk masyarakat... kalau tidak nanti digelar budak toye... (square).
Kalau zaman sebelum 80-an memang bell bottom atau yang lebih rugged sikit pakai boot cut. Istilah jeans tak biasa disebut tetapi lebih biasa 'Dungaree' atau disebut Denggree... yang lainnya ada juga Cotton Twill dan Corduroy. Ini di zaman sebelum generasi Rock Kapak lagi. Zaman 80-an barulah kaki seluar dah mula kecut jadi 18 inci. Sebelum tu 24 inci ke atas je beb... Siapa yang pakai seluar tempah atau slacks tu dah kira taraf 'peon'(office boy) atau kerani pakai kasut tumit tinggi 2 inci. Macam dalam filem 'Si Badul' tu... Tak diterima masyarakat...
Waktu itu T-shirt round neck kurang popular sangat kecuali T-shirt free rumah sukan, kelab atau pasukan Belia 4B je dan yang paling high class 'Fruit of The Loom'... kalau pakai T-shirt berkolar cuma Bond's Grand Slam - Made in Australia saja yang masuk gang. T-shirt round neck yang popular cuma jersey Adidas,Puma dan Admiral saja. Harganya RM30-50 sehelai walaupun gaji kerani waktu itu cuma RM300. Kalau anak-anak cikgu dan kerani atau pegawai, ketua kampung pakat posing ramai-ramai kat corridor pakai baju Adidas, kasut Adidas, seluar Lee. Yang kurang berada ni tak merasalah semua tu...
Kemeja Arrow cuma ada saiz 14, 15, 16 ke atas je... tapi saiz badan kami rata-rata baru saiz 8-12 je... boleh bayangkan lah masing-masing macam pakai kelambu berjalan... jeans pun paling kecil saiz 27 tapi yang pakainya baru saiz 22... talipinggang memang wajib pakai sampai habis lubang ditebuk sendiri... kalau tak pakai jawabnya terlucut terus sampai ke tumit...
Zaman itu kalau yang berduit tu adalah yang pakai sneakers.... zaman dulu kita panggil 'Track Shoes'. Yang paling popular Adidas lah... yang lain tu cuma ada Puma. Nike ke, Asics ke, Reebok ke masih alien lagi... Yang masih ingat ada Adidas Stan Smith, Americana, Hawaii, Wimbledon, Arthur Ashe, Puma Las Palmas lepas tu macam-macam lagi lah... harga dia mesti RM60 ke atas lah... kira mahal sangatlah tu. Kedai yang popular masa tu Naha Store dekat tepi jambatan Sungai Gombak mengadap Masjid Jamek atau dulu kita panggil Benteng (yang asal). Kalau GS Gill kira susah nak tawar-menawar... Tahun 1976 Pertama Complex baru siap je sebab Campbell Complex baru lepas terbakar... sebelum tu ada Robinsons di tapak bangunan CIMB dekat stesen LRT Masjid Jamek. Tapi Robinsons tu kira orang kaya je pergi... lepas tu terus tutup.
Kalau footballers beli boots selalunya Adidas La Plata, Inter, Backenbauer... tapi hutang potong biasiswa RM10 sebulan... harganya RM60... kalau La Plata murah sikit. Kasut Adidas, tracksuit Adidas semuanya Made in Germany... tapi bila pergi Germany sekarang nak beli Adidas original dah susah nak jumpa... semua franchise. Kalau siapa yang pakai track bottom tu dah kira banyak duit pasal yang lain semua seluar pendek je... sinar Islam waktu tu belum cukup menyinar lagi... maklum saja form 3 masih pakai seluar pendek walaupun kaki macam Gorilla.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Monday, May 23, 2011
Hari ini saya nak bertutur Bahasa Melayu
Saya baru sahaja pulang dari menghadiri sebuah majlis perkahwinan yang gilang gemilang. Segalanya diatur dengan teliti dan berjalan dengan lancar sekali. Alhamdulillah dan tahniah kepada pasangan pengantin, ayahandanya dan pihak penganjur yang begitu cekap menjalankan tugas mereka.
Majlis berjalan dengan begitu lancar. Bermula dengan perarakan masuk tetamu kehormat kemudian disusuli pula dengan perarakan pengantin berlatarbelakangkan mainan muzik kumpulan gamelan secara langsung. Iringan selawat amat merdu sekali yang juga dialunkan dengan secara langsung tanpa mainan dari rakaman cakera padat. Kemudian selawat disahut pula dengan alunan paduan suara sebuah kumpulan nasyid yang tidak kurang juga merdunya.
Pengendalian majlis oleh pasangan pengacara majlis begitu lancar dan amat profesional tanpa sebarang kesilapan. Susunan bait-bait kata berpuisi dan penuh beradat ternyata meninggalkan kesan yang memukau para hadirin. Ditambah pula dengan bacaan doa yang amat jarang kita dengar di majlis-majlis perkahwinan yang lain kerana susunan kata-kata yang begitu puitis dan menyentuh kalbu setiap yang mengikuti doa tersebut bak menghayati bacaan syair syahdu seorang penyair sufi.
Setelah selesai sahaja aturcara yang telah diadun mesra maka tibalah pula giliran ucapan tahniah dari wakil sahabat pengantin. Maka dengan ayunan lenggang longlai derapan langkah sepasang sahabat lengkap bertudung dan berbaju kurung mulalah sahabat membuka bicara tatkala tiba sahaja di hadapan rostrum.
Aduhai... ku sangka panas hingga ke petang rupanya ribut taufan di tengahari... mula bicara santunnya dengan lafaz "Assalamualaikum..." namun jelas tampak hampa di wajah rakan-rakan yang duduk semeja denganku apabila ayat-ayat yang menyusul hanyalah "Good Evening to everybody and blah blah blah..." hinggalah ke bait-bait akhir ucapan beliau hanyalah berbahasa ibunda angkatnya sahaja tanpa sedikitpun menghormati bahasa Ibunda kandungnya.
Pelik tetapi benar... inilah hakikatnya anak muda zaman teknologi ICT yang baru setahun jagung mengenali alam pekerjaan telah lena dibuai mimpi indah bahawa para hadirin disangka cuma rakan sebaya tanpa menghiraukan tetamu kehormat yang agak resah di samping para hadirin lain yang hampir 98% adalah bangsa Melayu dan lebih 70% yang telah terlalu lama meninggalkan alam remaja dan sudahpun menghampiri jalan ke alam barzakh.
Tidak terlintaskah di fikiran anak-anak mentah ini untuk mengamati keadaan sekeliling dan cuba menyesuaikan bahasa ucapan dengan khalayak? Nauzubillah... adakah salah ibu bapa yang mendidik adab sopan orang muda tersebut? Kalau dilihat raut muka rasanya tidak ada secubitpun yang memungkinkan beliau berdarah keturunan Caucasian, malah tampak jelas raut wajah pesek Melayu-proto tersembul di layar video. Mungkinkah tersilap DNA atau genetik yang tergeliat? Atas alasan apakah maka terpacul bahasa ibunda angkat dalam seluruh ucapan beliau? Wallahualam... Renung-renungkanlah.... Selamat beramal...
Majlis berjalan dengan begitu lancar. Bermula dengan perarakan masuk tetamu kehormat kemudian disusuli pula dengan perarakan pengantin berlatarbelakangkan mainan muzik kumpulan gamelan secara langsung. Iringan selawat amat merdu sekali yang juga dialunkan dengan secara langsung tanpa mainan dari rakaman cakera padat. Kemudian selawat disahut pula dengan alunan paduan suara sebuah kumpulan nasyid yang tidak kurang juga merdunya.
Pengendalian majlis oleh pasangan pengacara majlis begitu lancar dan amat profesional tanpa sebarang kesilapan. Susunan bait-bait kata berpuisi dan penuh beradat ternyata meninggalkan kesan yang memukau para hadirin. Ditambah pula dengan bacaan doa yang amat jarang kita dengar di majlis-majlis perkahwinan yang lain kerana susunan kata-kata yang begitu puitis dan menyentuh kalbu setiap yang mengikuti doa tersebut bak menghayati bacaan syair syahdu seorang penyair sufi.
Setelah selesai sahaja aturcara yang telah diadun mesra maka tibalah pula giliran ucapan tahniah dari wakil sahabat pengantin. Maka dengan ayunan lenggang longlai derapan langkah sepasang sahabat lengkap bertudung dan berbaju kurung mulalah sahabat membuka bicara tatkala tiba sahaja di hadapan rostrum.
Aduhai... ku sangka panas hingga ke petang rupanya ribut taufan di tengahari... mula bicara santunnya dengan lafaz "Assalamualaikum..." namun jelas tampak hampa di wajah rakan-rakan yang duduk semeja denganku apabila ayat-ayat yang menyusul hanyalah "Good Evening to everybody and blah blah blah..." hinggalah ke bait-bait akhir ucapan beliau hanyalah berbahasa ibunda angkatnya sahaja tanpa sedikitpun menghormati bahasa Ibunda kandungnya.
Pelik tetapi benar... inilah hakikatnya anak muda zaman teknologi ICT yang baru setahun jagung mengenali alam pekerjaan telah lena dibuai mimpi indah bahawa para hadirin disangka cuma rakan sebaya tanpa menghiraukan tetamu kehormat yang agak resah di samping para hadirin lain yang hampir 98% adalah bangsa Melayu dan lebih 70% yang telah terlalu lama meninggalkan alam remaja dan sudahpun menghampiri jalan ke alam barzakh.
Tidak terlintaskah di fikiran anak-anak mentah ini untuk mengamati keadaan sekeliling dan cuba menyesuaikan bahasa ucapan dengan khalayak? Nauzubillah... adakah salah ibu bapa yang mendidik adab sopan orang muda tersebut? Kalau dilihat raut muka rasanya tidak ada secubitpun yang memungkinkan beliau berdarah keturunan Caucasian, malah tampak jelas raut wajah pesek Melayu-proto tersembul di layar video. Mungkinkah tersilap DNA atau genetik yang tergeliat? Atas alasan apakah maka terpacul bahasa ibunda angkat dalam seluruh ucapan beliau? Wallahualam... Renung-renungkanlah.... Selamat beramal...
Sunday, May 22, 2011
When Life is Life
It was a week full of haunting, trying and shocking episodes in my life. My video camera that has been loyal to me fo the past 7 years was asking for mercy. The viewfinder LCD went kaput. Luckily a very good technician friend in Panasonic, Hairil managed to save her. The cost would have been a tremendous RM1.2k just to replace the LCD, but he managed to salvage from an old unit just for me. Parts are already discontinued from the production line. Alhamdulillah... Otherwise I would have to find a new camera which can cost me at least another RM20K just to be back on track...
The car kept haunting me with the steering wheel problem but somehow Ah Tee the mechanic managed to solve the problem yesterday by 8pm. Another gruesome RM1.8k just to keep the car safe enough to drive. I was at the workshop for almost 6 hours but while waiting for the repairs I met this Wak Kasmun who greeted me.
Wak Kasmun drives a van to transport factory workers everyday around the Bangi and Dengkil area. I kept on with very much interest listening to his stories about his life and how he enjoys his life eventhough he is only a driver cum general worker.
Wak actually is a Felda settler in Bahau. We started sharing stories about Bahau which attracts him very much because I used to travel to many parts of Malaysia during my video production works for the office during those days. Bahau is just a small town but turns out to be very lively at night. It was quite far from Seremban and there are at least 4 different routes to reach Bahau from Kuala Lumpur. We can either use the normal Seremban-Kuala Pilah route, the Ulu Langat-Jelebu route, The Kajang-Semenyih-Broga route or the Bentung-Karak route. Bahau would not have been developed without the presence of the Felda settlers.
Wak told me that he came from Sekinchan and has a strong Javanese root. Now he is more of an assimilated Javanese because he sounded more like a Negeri Sembilan native. A special blend of course. Wak left school after his Primary 6 and had never looked back again. He came from a family of 6 siblings of a second wife. His father had 3 wives and no doubt that he had another 12 step siblings. He told his mother that he is no good at schooling and asked his mother's blessings to start working and he did so by planting rice, peeling coconuts and doing many odd jobs. From his appearance I can tell that Wak is a real hardworker. He told me that he could peel 2000 coconuts in one day and he gets only 2 cents for each coconut. He was too efficient until one day his employer asked him to marry his daughter... he rejected and quit the job.
He told me he went on working in the padi fields of Kedah and after that started doing other jobs like harvesting oil palm fruits and also construction jobs until he marries at last and moved into the Felda Plantation in Bahau.
He told me that life was hard but he still enjoyed life just because of his ups and downs in life. I have always admired hardworking people like Wak. Wak told me... he does not like doing office jobs because he does not read or write much and just love doing hard jobs and that was the only way he could contribute and earn money. Eventhough Wak looked very much older than myself but our age difference is only 2 years apart. Wak's face showed more wrinkles because of the exposures to the sun and the ultimate use of sheer physical strength.
Wak told me many things about his childhood life coming from a poor family and how the Javanese community in the kampung shared their earnings and worked hand-in-hand during weddings and kenduris with Nasi Ambeng. He is very proud of the spirit of Gotong Royong among his kampung folks. He told me how they managed to bring in their own hard earned rice, chickens, sugar and all kinds of food to make sure the wedding is on while living up to their esprit de corp. Wak also told me about his simple ways to enjoy and entertain himself watching movies that cost only 30 cents (3rd class seats) and smoking RM1.50 per packet Gold Flake or Perrilly's fags when he was earning almost RM40 everyday during padi harvesting seasons. He used to smoke 50 sticks a day. Like what he told me..."Orang lain hisap rokok, saya makan rokok"... Luckily now he hasn't smoked a single stick for almost 10 years.
Wak told me The Felda Scheme has really turned his family life into the better. He has nothing else but praises to the Late Tun Razak and of course our current Dato' Seri Najib in taking care of their well beings. With the Felda scheme he could raise and feed his family of 6 without fail. He told me of buying lots of fish, prawns and meat for the family until his children got bored eating too much good food. He really enjoyed feeding them because he still remembers himself having the chance to eat chicken only during kenduris and Hari Raya. He could never forget wearing school uniforms which has been worn by his 5 elder brothers to school, yet he never complained.
He was grateful when he first enrolled into the Felda Scheme the settlers were given free land worth around RM40k each to plant. Like what he said... "Orang Melayu masa itu mana ada duit nak beli tanah 40 ribu... siapa nak bagi pinjam duit?" I was amazed when he told me that if he works hard enough harvesting the oil palm fruits he could easily earn at least RM2500 a month and that does not include the extra harvesting he earns which he gets annually at almost RM5000. Wak said.. "Selagi boleh kerja kita kerja... tapi sekarang ni sudah tak larat lagi... badan sudah sakit-sakit... mahu panjat bukit sampai 4-5 ekar dah tak mampu". Wak also worked at the Oil Palm factory when he is not pruning the trees or harvesting the fruits.
Wak has been blessed with 4 children. Unfortunately the eldest boy died in a motor accident at 19, the 2nd and 3rd daughters are already working and are tying their wedlocks soon while the youngest is studying. He left his palm trees to be managed by Felda because none of his children are interested to continue his job in the plantation while he gets his monthly allowance. He said... "Saya mesti kerja lagi sebab saya tak boleh duduk diam, mahu kerja ofis saya tak pandai tulis-tulis sangat tapi kira duit saya pandai, jadi saya kerja driver van sambil bikin kerja tukang kebun sikit-sikit boleh juga keluar peluh... duit lagi masuk...hehehe..."
Wak now drives a brand new Proton Persona and has another Proton Iswara at home... he goes back to his wife and family in Bahau once a month and lives alone in Bangi to work.
Wak's story left me thinking about the next Felda Generation... will there be anymore?
The car kept haunting me with the steering wheel problem but somehow Ah Tee the mechanic managed to solve the problem yesterday by 8pm. Another gruesome RM1.8k just to keep the car safe enough to drive. I was at the workshop for almost 6 hours but while waiting for the repairs I met this Wak Kasmun who greeted me.
Wak Kasmun drives a van to transport factory workers everyday around the Bangi and Dengkil area. I kept on with very much interest listening to his stories about his life and how he enjoys his life eventhough he is only a driver cum general worker.
Wak actually is a Felda settler in Bahau. We started sharing stories about Bahau which attracts him very much because I used to travel to many parts of Malaysia during my video production works for the office during those days. Bahau is just a small town but turns out to be very lively at night. It was quite far from Seremban and there are at least 4 different routes to reach Bahau from Kuala Lumpur. We can either use the normal Seremban-Kuala Pilah route, the Ulu Langat-Jelebu route, The Kajang-Semenyih-Broga route or the Bentung-Karak route. Bahau would not have been developed without the presence of the Felda settlers.
Wak told me that he came from Sekinchan and has a strong Javanese root. Now he is more of an assimilated Javanese because he sounded more like a Negeri Sembilan native. A special blend of course. Wak left school after his Primary 6 and had never looked back again. He came from a family of 6 siblings of a second wife. His father had 3 wives and no doubt that he had another 12 step siblings. He told his mother that he is no good at schooling and asked his mother's blessings to start working and he did so by planting rice, peeling coconuts and doing many odd jobs. From his appearance I can tell that Wak is a real hardworker. He told me that he could peel 2000 coconuts in one day and he gets only 2 cents for each coconut. He was too efficient until one day his employer asked him to marry his daughter... he rejected and quit the job.
He told me he went on working in the padi fields of Kedah and after that started doing other jobs like harvesting oil palm fruits and also construction jobs until he marries at last and moved into the Felda Plantation in Bahau.
He told me that life was hard but he still enjoyed life just because of his ups and downs in life. I have always admired hardworking people like Wak. Wak told me... he does not like doing office jobs because he does not read or write much and just love doing hard jobs and that was the only way he could contribute and earn money. Eventhough Wak looked very much older than myself but our age difference is only 2 years apart. Wak's face showed more wrinkles because of the exposures to the sun and the ultimate use of sheer physical strength.
Wak told me many things about his childhood life coming from a poor family and how the Javanese community in the kampung shared their earnings and worked hand-in-hand during weddings and kenduris with Nasi Ambeng. He is very proud of the spirit of Gotong Royong among his kampung folks. He told me how they managed to bring in their own hard earned rice, chickens, sugar and all kinds of food to make sure the wedding is on while living up to their esprit de corp. Wak also told me about his simple ways to enjoy and entertain himself watching movies that cost only 30 cents (3rd class seats) and smoking RM1.50 per packet Gold Flake or Perrilly's fags when he was earning almost RM40 everyday during padi harvesting seasons. He used to smoke 50 sticks a day. Like what he told me..."Orang lain hisap rokok, saya makan rokok"... Luckily now he hasn't smoked a single stick for almost 10 years.
Wak told me The Felda Scheme has really turned his family life into the better. He has nothing else but praises to the Late Tun Razak and of course our current Dato' Seri Najib in taking care of their well beings. With the Felda scheme he could raise and feed his family of 6 without fail. He told me of buying lots of fish, prawns and meat for the family until his children got bored eating too much good food. He really enjoyed feeding them because he still remembers himself having the chance to eat chicken only during kenduris and Hari Raya. He could never forget wearing school uniforms which has been worn by his 5 elder brothers to school, yet he never complained.
He was grateful when he first enrolled into the Felda Scheme the settlers were given free land worth around RM40k each to plant. Like what he said... "Orang Melayu masa itu mana ada duit nak beli tanah 40 ribu... siapa nak bagi pinjam duit?" I was amazed when he told me that if he works hard enough harvesting the oil palm fruits he could easily earn at least RM2500 a month and that does not include the extra harvesting he earns which he gets annually at almost RM5000. Wak said.. "Selagi boleh kerja kita kerja... tapi sekarang ni sudah tak larat lagi... badan sudah sakit-sakit... mahu panjat bukit sampai 4-5 ekar dah tak mampu". Wak also worked at the Oil Palm factory when he is not pruning the trees or harvesting the fruits.
Wak has been blessed with 4 children. Unfortunately the eldest boy died in a motor accident at 19, the 2nd and 3rd daughters are already working and are tying their wedlocks soon while the youngest is studying. He left his palm trees to be managed by Felda because none of his children are interested to continue his job in the plantation while he gets his monthly allowance. He said... "Saya mesti kerja lagi sebab saya tak boleh duduk diam, mahu kerja ofis saya tak pandai tulis-tulis sangat tapi kira duit saya pandai, jadi saya kerja driver van sambil bikin kerja tukang kebun sikit-sikit boleh juga keluar peluh... duit lagi masuk...hehehe..."
Wak now drives a brand new Proton Persona and has another Proton Iswara at home... he goes back to his wife and family in Bahau once a month and lives alone in Bangi to work.
Wak's story left me thinking about the next Felda Generation... will there be anymore?
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